Source code for deepcell.utils.transform_utils

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"""Utilities for data transformations"""

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from skimage.measure import label
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from skimage.morphology import ball, disk
from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation
from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

from deepcell_toolbox import erode_edges

[docs] def pixelwise_transform(mask, dilation_radius=None, data_format=None, separate_edge_classes=False): """Transforms a label mask for a z stack edge, interior, and background Args: mask (numpy.array): tensor of labels dilation_radius (int): width to enlarge the edge feature of each instance data_format (str): A string, one of ``channels_last`` (default) or ``channels_first``. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. ``channels_last`` corresponds to inputs with shape ``(batch, height, width, channels)`` while ``channels_first`` corresponds to inputs with shape ``(batch, channels, height, width)``. separate_edge_classes (bool): Whether to separate the cell edge class into 2 distinct cell-cell edge and cell-background edge classes. Returns: numpy.array: An array with the same shape as ``mask``, except the channel axis will be a one-hot encoded semantic segmentation for 3 main features: ``[cell_edge, cell_interior, background]``. If ``separate_edge_classes`` is ``True``, the ``cell_interior`` feature is split into 2 features and the resulting channels are: ``[bg_cell_edge, cell_cell_edge, cell_interior, background]``. """ if data_format is None: data_format = K.image_data_format() if data_format == 'channels_first': channel_axis = 0 else: channel_axis = -1 # Detect the edges and interiors edge = find_boundaries(mask, mode='inner').astype('int') interior = np.logical_and(edge == 0, mask > 0).astype('int') strel = ball(1) if mask.ndim > 2 else disk(1) if not separate_edge_classes: if dilation_radius: dil_strel = ball(dilation_radius) if mask.ndim > 2 else disk(dilation_radius) # Thicken cell edges to be more pronounced edge = binary_dilation(edge, footprint=dil_strel) # Thin the augmented edges by subtracting the interior features. edge = (edge - interior > 0).astype('int') background = (1 - edge - interior > 0) background = background.astype('int') all_stacks = [ edge, interior, background ] return np.stack(all_stacks, axis=channel_axis) # dilate the background masks and subtract from all edges for background-edges background = (mask == 0).astype('int') dilated_background = binary_dilation(background, strel) background_edge = (edge - dilated_background > 0).astype('int') # edges that are not background-edges are interior-edges interior_edge = (edge - background_edge > 0).astype('int') if dilation_radius: dil_strel = ball(dilation_radius) if mask.ndim > 2 else disk(dilation_radius) # Thicken cell edges to be more pronounced interior_edge = binary_dilation(interior_edge, footprint=dil_strel) background_edge = binary_dilation(background_edge, footprint=dil_strel) # Thin the augmented edges by subtracting the interior features. interior_edge = (interior_edge - interior > 0).astype('int') background_edge = (background_edge - interior > 0).astype('int') background = (1 - background_edge - interior_edge - interior > 0) background = background.astype('int') all_stacks = [ background_edge, interior_edge, interior, background ] return np.stack(all_stacks, axis=channel_axis)
[docs] def outer_distance_transform_2d(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, normalize=True): """Transform a label mask with an outer distance transform. Args: mask (numpy.array): A label mask (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. If ``None``, returns the continuous outer transform. erosion_width (int): Number of pixels to erode edges of each labels normalize (bool): Normalize the transform of each cell by that cell's largest distance. Returns: numpy.array: A mask of same shape as input mask, with each label being a distance class from 1 to ``bins``. """ mask = np.squeeze(mask) # squeeze the channels mask = erode_edges(mask, erosion_width) distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) distance = distance.astype(K.floatx()) # normalized distances are floats if normalize: # uniquely label each cell and normalize the distance values # by that cells maximum distance value label_matrix = label(mask) for prop in regionprops(label_matrix): labeled_distance = distance[label_matrix == prop.label] normalized_distance = labeled_distance / np.amax(labeled_distance) distance[label_matrix == prop.label] = normalized_distance if bins is None: return distance # bin each distance value into a class from 1 to bins min_dist = np.amin(distance) max_dist = np.amax(distance) distance_bins = np.linspace(min_dist - K.epsilon(), max_dist + K.epsilon(), num=bins + 1) distance = np.digitize(distance, distance_bins, right=True) return distance - 1 # minimum distance should be 0, not 1
[docs] def outer_distance_transform_3d(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, normalize=True, sampling=[0.5, 0.217, 0.217]): """Transforms a label mask for a z stack with an outer distance transform. Uses scipy's distance_transform_edt Args: mask (numpy.array): A z-stack of label masks (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. erosion_width (int): Number of pixels to erode edges of each labels. normalize (bool): Normalize the transform of each cell by that cell's largest distance. sampling (list): Spacing of pixels along each dimension. Returns: numpy.array: 3D Euclidiean Distance Transform """ maskstack = np.squeeze(mask) # squeeze the channels maskstack = erode_edges(maskstack, erosion_width) distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(maskstack, sampling=sampling) # normalize by maximum distance if normalize: for cell_label in np.unique(maskstack): if cell_label == 0: # distance is only found for non-zero regions continue index = np.nonzero(maskstack == cell_label) distance[index] = distance[index] / np.amax(distance[index]) if bins is None: return distance # divide into bins min_dist = np.amin(distance.flatten()) max_dist = np.amax(distance.flatten()) distance_bins = np.linspace(min_dist - K.epsilon(), max_dist + K.epsilon(), num=bins + 1) distance = np.digitize(distance, distance_bins, right=True) return distance - 1 # minimum distance should be 0, not 1
[docs] def outer_distance_transform_movie(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, normalize=True): """Transform a label mask for a movie with an outer distance transform. Applies the 2D transform to each frame. Args: mask (numpy.array): A label mask (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. erosion_width (int): number of pixels to erode edges of each labels. normalize (bool): Normalize the transform of each cell by that cell's largest distance. Returns: numpy.array: a mask of same shape as input mask, with each label being a distance class from 1 to ``bins`` """ distances = [] for frame in range(mask.shape[0]): mask_frame = mask[frame] distance = outer_distance_transform_2d( mask_frame, bins=bins, erosion_width=erosion_width, normalize=normalize) distances.append(distance) distances = np.stack(distances, axis=0) return distances
[docs] def inner_distance_transform_2d(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, alpha=0.1, beta=1): """Transform a label mask with an inner distance transform. .. code-block:: python inner_distance = 1 / (1 + beta * alpha * distance_to_center) Args: mask (numpy.array): A label mask (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. erosion_width (int): number of pixels to erode edges of each labels alpha (float, str): coefficent to reduce the magnitude of the distance value. If "auto", determines ``alpha`` for each cell based on the cell area. beta (float): scale parameter that is used when ``alpha`` is "auto". Returns: numpy.array: a mask of same shape as input mask, with each label being a distance class from 1 to ``bins``. Raises: ValueError: ``alpha`` is a string but not set to "auto". """ # Check input to alpha if isinstance(alpha, str): if alpha.lower() != 'auto': raise ValueError('alpha must be set to "auto"') mask = np.squeeze(mask) mask = erode_edges(mask, erosion_width) distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) distance = distance.astype(K.floatx()) label_matrix = label(mask) inner_distance = np.zeros(distance.shape, dtype=K.floatx()) for prop in regionprops(label_matrix, distance): coords = prop.coords center = prop.weighted_centroid distance_to_center = np.sum((coords - center) ** 2, axis=1) # Determine alpha to use if str(alpha).lower() == 'auto': _alpha = 1 / np.sqrt(prop.area) else: _alpha = float(alpha) center_transform = 1 / (1 + beta * _alpha * distance_to_center) coords_x = coords[:, 0] coords_y = coords[:, 1] inner_distance[coords_x, coords_y] = center_transform if bins is None: return inner_distance # divide into bins min_dist = np.amin(inner_distance.flatten()) max_dist = np.amax(inner_distance.flatten()) distance_bins = np.linspace(min_dist - K.epsilon(), max_dist + K.epsilon(), num=bins + 1) inner_distance = np.digitize(inner_distance, distance_bins, right=True) return inner_distance - 1 # minimum distance should be 0, not 1
[docs] def inner_distance_transform_3d(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, alpha=0.1, beta=1, sampling=[0.5, 0.217, 0.217]): """Transform a label mask for a z-stack with an inner distance transform. .. code-block:: python inner_distance = 1 / (1 + beta * alpha * distance_to_center) Args: mask (numpy.array): A label mask (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. erosion_width (int): Number of pixels to erode edges of each labels alpha (float, str): Coefficent to reduce the magnitude of the distance value. If ``'auto'``, determines alpha for each cell based on the cell area. beta (float): Scale parameter that is used when ``alpha`` is "auto". sampling (list): Spacing of pixels along each dimension. Returns: numpy.array: A mask of same shape as input mask, with each label being a distance class from 1 to ``bins``. Raises: ValueError: ``alpha`` is a string but not set to "auto". """ # Check input to alpha if isinstance(alpha, str): if alpha.lower() != 'auto': raise ValueError('alpha must be set to "auto"') mask = np.squeeze(mask) mask = erode_edges(mask, erosion_width) distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask, sampling=sampling) distance = distance.astype(K.floatx()) label_matrix = label(mask) inner_distance = np.zeros(distance.shape, dtype=K.floatx()) for prop in regionprops(label_matrix, distance): coords = prop.coords center = prop.weighted_centroid distance_to_center = (coords - center) * np.array(sampling) distance_to_center = np.sum(distance_to_center ** 2, axis=1) # Determine alpha to use if str(alpha).lower() == 'auto': _alpha = 1 / np.cbrt(prop.area) else: _alpha = float(alpha) center_transform = 1 / (1 + beta * _alpha * distance_to_center) coords_z = coords[:, 0] coords_x = coords[:, 1] coords_y = coords[:, 2] inner_distance[coords_z, coords_x, coords_y] = center_transform if bins is None: return inner_distance # divide into bins min_dist = np.amin(inner_distance.flatten()) max_dist = np.amax(inner_distance.flatten()) distance_bins = np.linspace(min_dist - K.epsilon(), max_dist + K.epsilon(), num=bins + 1) inner_distance = np.digitize(inner_distance, distance_bins, right=True) return inner_distance - 1 # minimum distance should be 0, not 1
[docs] def inner_distance_transform_movie(mask, bins=None, erosion_width=None, alpha=0.1, beta=1): """Transform a label mask with an inner distance transform. Applies the 2D transform to each frame. Args: mask (numpy.array): A label mask (``y`` data). bins (int): The number of transformed distance classes. erosion_width (int): Number of pixels to erode edges of each labels. alpha (float, str): Coefficent to reduce the magnitude of the distance value. If "auto", determines ``alpha`` for each cell based on the cell area. beta (float): Scale parameter that is used when ``alpha`` is "auto". Returns: numpy.array: A mask of same shape as input mask, with each label being a distance class from 1 to ``bins``. Raises: ValueError: ``alpha`` is a string but not set to "auto". """ # Check input to alpha if isinstance(alpha, str): if alpha.lower() != 'auto': raise ValueError('alpha must be set to "auto"') inner_distances = [] for frame in range(mask.shape[0]): mask_frame = mask[frame] inner_distance = inner_distance_transform_2d( mask_frame, bins=bins, erosion_width=erosion_width, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) inner_distances.append(inner_distance) inner_distances = np.stack(inner_distances, axis=0) return inner_distances