Source code for deepcell.utils.io_utils

# Copyright 2016-2023 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of
# Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation,
# Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01.
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"""Utilities for reading/writing files"""

import os

import numpy as np
from import imread, imsave
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

[docs] def get_image(file_name): """DEPRECATED. Use ```` instead. Read image from file and returns it as a tensor. Args: file_name (str): path to image file Returns: numpy.array: numpy array of image data """ return np.float32(imread(file_name))
[docs] def save_model_output(output, output_dir, feature_name='', channel=None, data_format=None): """Save model output as tiff images in the provided directory Args: output (numpy.array): Output of a model. Expects channel to have its own axis. output_dir (str): Directory to save the model output images. feature_name (str): Optional description to start each output image filename. channel (int): If given, only saves this channel. """ if data_format is None: data_format = K.image_data_format() channel_axis = 1 if data_format == 'channels_first' else -1 z_axis = 2 if data_format == 'channels_first' else 1 if channel is not None and not 0 < channel < output.shape[channel_axis]: raise ValueError('`channel` must be in the range of the output ' 'channels. Got ', channel) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): raise OSError(f'{output_dir} is not a valid output_dir') for b in range(output.shape[0]): # If multiple batches of results, create a numbered subdirectory batch_dir = str(b) if output.shape[0] > 1 else '' # If 2D, convert to 3D with only one z-axis if len(output.shape) == 4: output = np.expand_dims(output, axis=z_axis) for f in range(output.shape[z_axis]): for c in range(output.shape[channel_axis]): # if only saving one channel, skip the non-equal channels if channel is not None and channel != c: continue if data_format == 'channels_first': feature = output[b, c, f, :, :] else: feature = output[b, f, :, :, c] zpad = max(3, len(str(output.shape[z_axis]))) cnnout_name = f'feature_{c}_frame_{str(f).zfill(zpad)}.tif' if feature_name: cnnout_name = f'{feature_name}_{cnnout_name}' out_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, batch_dir, cnnout_name) imsave(out_file_path, feature.astype('int32'), check_contrast=False) print(f'Saved {output.shape[1]} frames to {output_dir}')