Source code for deepcell.applications.label_detection

# Copyright 2016-2023 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of
# Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation,
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"""Classify the type of an input image to send the data to the correct model"""

import os

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from deepcell.applications import Application
from deepcell.layers import ImageNormalization2D
from deepcell.layers import TensorProduct
from deepcell.utils.backbone_utils import get_backbone


[docs] def LabelDetectionModel(input_shape=(None, None, 1), inputs=None, backbone='mobilenetv2', num_classes=3): """Classify a microscopy image as Nuclear, Cytoplasm, or Phase. This can be helpful in determining the type of data (nuclear, cytoplasm, etc.) so that this data can be forwared to the correct segmenation model. Based on a standard backbone with an intiial ``ImageNormalization2D`` and final ``AveragePooling2D``, ``TensorProduct``, and ``Softmax`` layers. Args: input_shape (tuple): a 3-length tuple of the input data shape. inputs (tensorflow.keras.Layer): Optional input layer of the model. If not provided, creates a ``Layer`` based on ``input_shape``. backbone (str): name of the backbone to use for the model. num_classes (int): The number of labels to detect. """ required_channels = 3 # required for most backbones if inputs is None: inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape) if tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': channel_axis = 0 else: channel_axis = -1 norm = ImageNormalization2D(norm_method='whole_image')(inputs) fixed_inputs = TensorProduct(required_channels)(norm) # force the input shape fixed_input_shape = list(input_shape) fixed_input_shape[channel_axis] = required_channels fixed_input_shape = tuple(fixed_input_shape) backbone_model = get_backbone( backbone, fixed_inputs, use_imagenet=False, return_dict=False, include_top=False, weights=None, input_shape=fixed_input_shape, pooling=None) x = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(4)(backbone_model.outputs[0]) x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x) x = TensorProduct(256)(x) x = TensorProduct(num_classes)(x) outputs = tf.keras.layers.Softmax(dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())(x) model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=backbone_model.inputs, outputs=outputs) return model
class LabelDetection(Application): """Loads a :mod:`~LabelDetectionModel` model for detecting between nuclear and cytoplasm. Args: model (tf.keras.Model): The model to load. If ``None``, a pre-trained model will be downloaded. """ #: Metadata for the dataset used to train the model dataset_metadata = { 'name': 'general_nuclear_and_cyto_large', 'other': 'Collection of all available nuclear and cytplasm stains.' } #: Metadata for the model and training process model_metadata = { 'batch_size': 64, 'lr': 1e-3, 'lr_decay': 0.9, 'training_seed': 0, 'n_epochs': 25, 'training_steps_per_epoch': 400, 'validation_steps_per_epoch': 100 } def __init__(self, model=None): if model is None: archive_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file( 'LabelDetection.tgz', MODEL_PATH, file_hash='eadd047d599e58de91ff4ab1d735f4f0', extract=True, cache_subdir='models' ) model_path = os.path.splitext(archive_path)[0] model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path) super().__init__( model, model_image_shape=model.input_shape[1:], model_mpp=0.65, preprocessing_fn=None, postprocessing_fn=None, dataset_metadata=self.dataset_metadata, model_metadata=self.model_metadata) def predict(self, image, batch_size=4, image_mpp=None): """Generates a labeled image of the input running prediction with appropriate pre and post processing functions. Input images are required to have 4 dimensions ``[batch, x, y, channel]``. Additional empty dimensions can be added using ``np.expand_dims``. Args: image (numpy.array): Input image with shape ``[batch, x, y, channel]``. batch_size (int): Number of images to predict on per batch. image_mpp (float): Microns per pixel for ``image``. Raises: ValueError: Input data must match required rank of the application, calculated as one dimension more (batch dimension) than expected by the model. ValueError: Input data must match required number of channels. Returns: numpy.array: Labeled image numpy.array: Model output """ # Check input size of image if len(image.shape) != self.required_rank: raise ValueError(f'Input data must have {self.required_rank} dimensions. ' f'Input data only has {len(image.shape)} dimensions') if image.shape[-1] != self.required_channels: raise ValueError(f'Input data must have {self.required_channels} channels. ' f'Input data only has {image.shape[-1]} channels') # Resize image, returns unmodified if appropriate resized_image = self._resize_input(image, image_mpp) # Tile images, raises error if the image is not 4d tiles, _ = self._tile_input(resized_image) # Run images through model labels = self.model.predict(tiles, batch_size=batch_size) labels = np.array(labels) vote = labels.sum(axis=0) maj = vote.max() detected = np.where(vote == maj)[-1][0] return detected