Source code for deepcell.applications.application

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"""Base class for applications"""

import logging
import timeit

import numpy as np

from deepcell_toolbox.utils import resize, tile_image, untile_image

[docs] class Application: """Application object that takes a model with weights and manages predictions Args: model (tensorflow.keras.Model): ``tf.keras.Model`` with loaded weights. model_image_shape (tuple): Shape of input expected by ``model``. dataset_metadata (str or dict): Metadata for the data that ``model`` was trained on. model_metadata (str or dict): Training metadata for ``model``. model_mpp (float): Microns per pixel resolution of the training data used for ``model``. preprocessing_fn (function): Pre-processing function to apply to data prior to prediction. postprocessing_fn (function): Post-processing function to apply to data after prediction. Must accept an input of a list of arrays and then return a single array. format_model_output_fn (function): Convert model output from a list of matrices to a dictionary with keys for each semantic head. Raises: ValueError: ``preprocessing_fn`` must be a callable function ValueError: ``postprocessing_fn`` must be a callable function ValueError: ``model_output_fn`` must be a callable function """ def __init__(self, model, model_image_shape=(128, 128, 1), model_mpp=0.65, preprocessing_fn=None, postprocessing_fn=None, format_model_output_fn=None, dataset_metadata=None, model_metadata=None): self.model = model self.model_image_shape = model_image_shape # Require dimension 1 larger than model_input_shape due to addition of batch dimension self.required_rank = len(self.model_image_shape) + 1 self.required_channels = self.model_image_shape[-1] self.model_mpp = model_mpp self.preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_fn self.postprocessing_fn = postprocessing_fn self.format_model_output_fn = format_model_output_fn self.dataset_metadata = dataset_metadata self.model_metadata = model_metadata self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) # Test that pre and post processing functions are callable if self.preprocessing_fn is not None and not callable(self.preprocessing_fn): raise ValueError('Preprocessing_fn must be a callable function.') if self.postprocessing_fn is not None and not callable(self.postprocessing_fn): raise ValueError('Postprocessing_fn must be a callable function.') if self.format_model_output_fn is not None and not callable(self.format_model_output_fn): raise ValueError('Format_model_output_fn must be a callable function.')
[docs] def predict(self, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _resize_input(self, image, image_mpp): """Checks if there is a difference between image and model resolution and resizes if they are different. Otherwise returns the unmodified image. Args: image (numpy.array): Input image to resize. image_mpp (float): Microns per pixel for the ``image``. Returns: numpy.array: Input image resized if necessary to match ``model_mpp`` """ # Don't scale the image if mpp is the same or not defined if image_mpp not in {None, self.model_mpp}: shape = image.shape scale_factor = image_mpp / self.model_mpp new_shape = (int(shape[1] * scale_factor), int(shape[2] * scale_factor)) image = resize(image, new_shape, data_format='channels_last') self.logger.debug('Resized input from %s to %s', shape, new_shape) return image
[docs] def _preprocess(self, image, **kwargs): """Preprocess ``image`` if ``preprocessing_fn`` is defined. Otherwise return ``image`` unmodified. Args: image (numpy.array): 4D stack of images kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for ``preprocessing_fn``. Returns: numpy.array: The pre-processed ``image``. """ if self.preprocessing_fn is not None: t = timeit.default_timer() self.logger.debug('Pre-processing data with %s and kwargs: %s', self.preprocessing_fn.__name__, kwargs) image = self.preprocessing_fn(image, **kwargs) self.logger.debug('Pre-processed data with %s in %s s', self.preprocessing_fn.__name__, timeit.default_timer() - t) return image
[docs] def _tile_input(self, image, pad_mode='constant'): """Tile the input image to match shape expected by model using the ``deepcell_toolbox`` function. Only supports 4D images. Args: image (numpy.array): Input image to tile pad_mode (str): The padding mode, one of "constant" or "reflect". Raises: ValueError: Input images must have only 4 dimensions Returns: (numpy.array, dict): Tuple of tiled image and dict of tiling information. """ if len(image.shape) != 4: raise ValueError('deepcell_toolbox.tile_image only supports 4d images.' f'Image submitted for predict has {len(image.shape)} dimensions') # Check difference between input and model image size x_diff = image.shape[1] - self.model_image_shape[0] y_diff = image.shape[2] - self.model_image_shape[1] # Check if the input is smaller than model image size if x_diff < 0 or y_diff < 0: # Calculate padding x_diff, y_diff = abs(x_diff), abs(y_diff) x_pad = (x_diff // 2, x_diff // 2 + 1) if x_diff % 2 else (x_diff // 2, x_diff // 2) y_pad = (y_diff // 2, y_diff // 2 + 1) if y_diff % 2 else (y_diff // 2, y_diff // 2) tiles = np.pad(image, [(0, 0), x_pad, y_pad, (0, 0)], 'reflect') tiles_info = {'padding': True, 'x_pad': x_pad, 'y_pad': y_pad} # Otherwise tile images larger than model size else: # Tile images, needs 4d tiles, tiles_info = tile_image(image, model_input_shape=self.model_image_shape, stride_ratio=0.75, pad_mode=pad_mode) return tiles, tiles_info
[docs] def _postprocess(self, image, **kwargs): """Applies postprocessing function to image if one has been defined. Otherwise returns unmodified image. Args: image (numpy.array or list): Input to postprocessing function either an ``numpy.array`` or list of ``numpy.arrays``. Returns: numpy.array: labeled image """ if self.postprocessing_fn is not None: t = timeit.default_timer() self.logger.debug('Post-processing results with %s and kwargs: %s', self.postprocessing_fn.__name__, kwargs) image = self.postprocessing_fn(image, **kwargs) # Restore channel dimension if not already there if len(image.shape) == self.required_rank - 1: image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=-1) self.logger.debug('Post-processed results with %s in %s s', self.postprocessing_fn.__name__, timeit.default_timer() - t) elif isinstance(image, list) and len(image) == 1: image = image[0] return image
[docs] def _untile_output(self, output_tiles, tiles_info): """Untiles either a single array or a list of arrays according to a dictionary of tiling specs Args: output_tiles (numpy.array or list): Array or list of arrays. tiles_info (dict): Tiling specs output by the tiling function. Returns: numpy.array or list: Array or list according to input with untiled images """ # If padding was used, remove padding if tiles_info.get('padding', False): def _process(im, tiles_info): ((xl, xh), (yl, yh)) = tiles_info['x_pad'], tiles_info['y_pad'] # Edge-case: upper-bound == 0 - this can occur when only one of # either X or Y is smaller than model_img_shape while the other # is equal to model_image_shape. xh = -xh if xh != 0 else None yh = -yh if yh != 0 else None return im[:, xl:xh, yl:yh, :] # Otherwise untile else: def _process(im, tiles_info): out = untile_image(im, tiles_info, model_input_shape=self.model_image_shape) return out if isinstance(output_tiles, list): output_images = [_process(o, tiles_info) for o in output_tiles] else: output_images = _process(output_tiles, tiles_info) return output_images
[docs] def _format_model_output(self, output_images): """Applies formatting function the output from the model if one was provided. Otherwise, returns the unmodified model output. Args: output_images: stack of untiled images to be reformatted Returns: dict or list: reformatted images stored as a dict, or input images stored as list if no formatting function is specified. """ if self.format_model_output_fn is not None: formatted_images = self.format_model_output_fn(output_images) return formatted_images else: return output_images
[docs] def _resize_output(self, image, original_shape): """Rescales input if the shape does not match the original shape excluding the batch and channel dimensions. Args: image (numpy.array): Image to be rescaled to original shape original_shape (tuple): Shape of the original input image Returns: numpy.array: Rescaled image """ if not isinstance(image, list): image = [image] for i in range(len(image)): img = image[i] # Compare x,y based on rank of image if len(img.shape) == 4: same = img.shape[1:-1] == original_shape[1:-1] elif len(img.shape) == 3: same = img.shape[1:] == original_shape[1:-1] else: same = img.shape == original_shape[1:-1] # Resize if same is false if not same: # Resize function only takes the x,y dimensions for shape new_shape = original_shape[1:-1] img = resize(img, new_shape, data_format='channels_last', labeled_image=True) image[i] = img if len(image) == 1: image = image[0] return image
[docs] def _batch_predict(self, tiles, batch_size): """Batch process tiles to generate model predictions. The built-in keras.predict function has support for batching, but loads the entire image stack into GPU memory, which is prohibitive for large images. This function uses similar code to the underlying model.predict function without soaking up GPU memory. Args: tiles (numpy.array): Tiled data which will be fed to model batch_size (int): Number of images to predict on per batch Returns: list: Model outputs """ # list to hold final output output_tiles = [] # loop through each batch for i in range(0, tiles.shape[0], batch_size): batch_inputs = tiles[i:i + batch_size, ...] batch_outputs = self.model.predict(batch_inputs, batch_size=batch_size) # model with only a single output gets temporarily converted to a list if not isinstance(batch_outputs, list): batch_outputs = [batch_outputs] # initialize output list with empty arrays to hold all batches if not output_tiles: for batch_out in batch_outputs: shape = (tiles.shape[0],) + batch_out.shape[1:] output_tiles.append(np.zeros(shape, dtype=tiles.dtype)) # save each batch to corresponding index in output list for j, batch_out in enumerate(batch_outputs): output_tiles[j][i:i + batch_size, ...] = batch_out return output_tiles
[docs] def _run_model(self, image, batch_size=4, pad_mode='constant', preprocess_kwargs={}): """Run the model to generate output probabilities on the data. Args: image (numpy.array): Image with shape ``[batch, x, y, channel]`` batch_size (int): Number of images to predict on per batch. pad_mode (str): The padding mode, one of "constant" or "reflect". preprocess_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the preprocessing function. Returns: numpy.array: Model outputs """ # Preprocess image if function is defined image = self._preprocess(image, **preprocess_kwargs) # Tile images, raises error if the image is not 4d tiles, tiles_info = self._tile_input(image, pad_mode=pad_mode) # Run images through model t = timeit.default_timer() output_tiles = self._batch_predict(tiles=tiles, batch_size=batch_size) self.logger.debug('Model inference finished in %s s', timeit.default_timer() - t) # Untile images output_images = self._untile_output(output_tiles, tiles_info) # restructure outputs into a dict if function provided formatted_images = self._format_model_output(output_images) return formatted_images
[docs] def _predict_segmentation(self, image, batch_size=4, image_mpp=None, pad_mode='constant', preprocess_kwargs={}, postprocess_kwargs={}): """Generates a labeled image of the input running prediction with appropriate pre and post processing functions. Input images are required to have 4 dimensions ``[batch, x, y, channel]``. Additional empty dimensions can be added using ``np.expand_dims``. Args: image (numpy.array): Input image with shape ``[batch, x, y, channel]``. batch_size (int): Number of images to predict on per batch. image_mpp (float): Microns per pixel for ``image``. pad_mode (str): The padding mode, one of "constant" or "reflect". preprocess_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the pre-processing function. postprocess_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the post-processing function. Raises: ValueError: Input data must match required rank, calculated as one dimension more (batch dimension) than expected by the model. ValueError: Input data must match required number of channels. Returns: numpy.array: Labeled image """ # Check input size of image if len(image.shape) != self.required_rank: raise ValueError(f'Input data must have {self.required_rank} dimensions. ' f'Input data only has {len(image.shape)} dimensions') if image.shape[-1] != self.required_channels: raise ValueError(f'Input data must have {self.required_channels} channels. ' f'Input data only has {image.shape[-1]} channels') # Resize image, returns unmodified if appropriate resized_image = self._resize_input(image, image_mpp) # Generate model outputs output_images = self._run_model( image=resized_image, batch_size=batch_size, pad_mode=pad_mode, preprocess_kwargs=preprocess_kwargs ) # Postprocess predictions to create label image label_image = self._postprocess(output_images, **postprocess_kwargs) # Resize label_image back to original resolution if necessary label_image = self._resize_output(label_image, image.shape) return label_image